Lake Providence LA to Memphis TN – Meeman-Shelby State Park

by Apr 12, 2016Locations, Postings

Morning Ride


Leaving Lake Providence in the morning was chilly. On top of that, most of my gear was still soaked from the massive monsoon that I was caught in the night before. 55 degrees isn’t too bad but 55 degrees with soaking wet gear at 75+ MPH is FREEZING.

I rode for about 45 minutes into the closest town and stopped at Shoney’s to warm up, fill up and charge up for the rest of the day. You can never go wrong with an old school hot air hand dryer when you can’t feel any of your digits.

Passing Through Memphis

GrafittiWallMemphisTNOn this leg of the trip I actually went through Memphis (stopped at Ghost River Brewing) and continued north to a state park called Meeman-Shelby. This was one of the highlights of the trip up to this point and will forever remain one of the best state parks that I’ve ever visited.

Bike Scenes


I’ve been trying to take pictures of the bike in some spot that shows the surrounding landscape. It’s not always an impressive view but the idea was to capture some background that reflects 30-60 minutes of ride time. Most of the south (first leg of the trip) was near the ocean, week two has been about farmland and fields. This picture was taken in the back of an Auto-zone parking lot that I stopped at. The 3 employees were very interest in the bike and the boxes of gear.